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Front news issue

Started by kripz, September 20, 2009, 09:51:44 AM

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Link to my site: na
SMF version: 1.1.10
TP version: v1.0 beta 4
Theme name and version:Firerock
Browser Name and Version: Opera 10
Mods installed: None
Related Error messages: None

Is the news suppose to parse bbc? It shows my post literally.


Is my dress in diffrent colors depending on what side some one is looking at it  ???

Please read the Posting Guidelines.html


Added useless/irrelevant info to my problem as requested in the guidelines.


And with that "useless/irrelevant" info i will send you to for help on your issue as you doesent have TP installed "Mods installed: None" and you left out the info on theme and also a sitelink so we could se what was going on. And the fact with info provided, News are SMF department and not TP....

I consider this solved at


QuoteAnd with that "useless/irrelevant" info i will send you to for help on your issue as you doesent have TP installed "Mods installed: None"
I said none because i do not have any other mods other than TP version: v1.0 beta 4.

Quoteinfo on theme and also a sitelink
I dont have a public website, hence NA. Firerock v 1.1.8

QuoteAnd the fact with info provided, News are SMF department and not TP....
Then why is there a link to front page news from the "settings and and frontpage" link under Tiny Portal?


Quote from: kripz on September 20, 2009, 10:10:06 AM
Added useless/irrelevant info to my problem as requested in the guidelines.

Whats with the attitude right off the bat? We ask you for some info, and then you tell us it's useless? You totally missed the rest of the info we are asking about. It's not just about having the answer to those few questions you just gave, but its about you giving us info about what you're actually talking about. Right now, I have no idea what type of news you are talking about on your frontpage. Are you talking about Articles? Are you talking about posts? What are you talking about? What are your frontpage settings? Does BBC working if you use a different setting for your frontpage? Please answer ALL these questions so we can move forward without the sarcasm and actually get you some help.


QuoteWhats with the attitude right off the bat?
What attitude? all i said was that is it useless and irrelevant to my problem.

QuoteWe ask you for some info, and then you tell us it's useless?
Because i honestly think that info has nothing to do with my problem?

QuoteYou totally missed the rest of the info we are asking about. It's not just about having the answer to those few questions you just gave, but its about you giving us info about what you're actually talking about.
Nobody ever asked, i was just slapped with a link to the guidelines, which i read and did as it said. Nothing was mentioned about any info that you require.

QuoteRight now, I have no idea what type of news you are talking about on your frontpage. Are you talking about Articles? Are you talking about posts? What are you talking about? What are your frontpage settings? Does BBC working if you use a different setting for your frontpage? Please answer ALL these questions so we can move forward without the sarcasm and actually get you some help.

First useful post in the whole thread. Im glad you asked this because i dont know what info to provide other than what was asked in the guidelines.

I just realised that the posts which were being displayed on the front page is called news, i assumed it was called front page news. Im talking about the posts that appear on the front page, not articles.

Im using the default settings with 1000 characters to be displayed on the front page, posts coming from the News forum. I dont see any settings relating to BBC so i just changed a random one, it had no effect on BBC.


Your origin question

QuoteIs the news suppose to parse bbc? It shows my post literally.

From the posting guidelines

QuotePlease think real hard about whether your issue is TP or SMF related. We can only support TinyPortal here with limited time and staff. If your issue is SMF related please post at SMF first. Thanks!
Choose an appropriate subject line. Use the issue you are having as your topic. Try to summarise the problem briefly in the subject, and elaborate in the message itself.

As you can see ( and if you think about it ) SMF holds a news section. How could I/We know what type of news you were talking about.
Therefor i asked you to read and add in the info we need from the posting guidelines.

You wrote back.
QuoteAdded useless/irrelevant info to my problem as requested in the guidelines.

And added your info with one note of mods ( no mods installed to your SMF site )
Therefor i took for granted that you had no TP installed ( as TP IS a mod for SMF ) and only used SMF. = It must be the SMF news you were asking about as i didnt got more info from you what so ever in your second post.

Do you see now what we are talking about ? And can you see the reason why it's important to read and add in as much info as possible so we can help ?

Even the second time around you had to go the sarcastic way and tell us that our posting guidlines didnt give you any hint on what to add when it infact do just that. ( look at the second quote in this post. )

I asked you to read the guidelines, they tell you to add in info with out a doubt to what you seek help on. You reply with
QuoteNobody ever asked, i was just slapped with a link to the guidelines

We did ask, and even asked more then one time.....

The news are not suppose to parse BB code, it just show the post and the amount of characters you set to show. There are no settings for the frontpage news besides that. Cant say if it fetches the settings from the topics and board settings if you allow bbc code in posting


Thanks for the help.

You should review how you provide support, have you ever called a technical support hot line? They treat everyone like they are new, whether you are technically savvy or brain dead. They ask the questions for the information they require. I never knew SMF had a news feature. I didnt know if this problem was related TP or SMF.

Now that i have the answer i want. I'll show you how i would of done things differently rather than just posting a generic link to the guidelines, you assumed i had the knowledge to even provide you with the details. Maybe you can avoid situations like this and it will make things easier and faster for both parties.

Asking for my TP version and then mods can be misunderstood, i assumed that you would assume TP was installed as i have given the version number. Just ask for Mods - Version. People will list TP and the version (or lack thereof) which you require. Dont assume people have public websites, they may be on local development servers.

QuoteIs the news suppose to parse bbc? It shows my post literally.
Ok, hes vague, there's 2 different news features. Lets ask?
QuoteAre you talking about the SMF news or TP front page news
From this alone i would of realised that there are now 2 different features.
QuoteHmm, didnt realise there was 2 features. The news that displays on the front page of TP.
Yep, hes talking about TP news. Now i can answer.
QuoteThe news are not suppose to parse BB code, it just show the post and the amount of characters you set to show. There are no settings for the frontpage news besides that. Cant say if it fetches the settings from the topics and board settings if you allow bbc code in posting

There are no assumptions made and everything is clear as day.


While a 'technical support hot line' and a forum that offers up help, as in this case TinyPortal, have similar goals, the way the help gets delivered is considerably different.

Telephone = rapid Q&A
Forum = lots of waiting between a Question and an Answer.

So we formulated a set of posting guidelines that ask a set of common questions all at one time and 99% of the folks who avail themselves of our help find that this system is simple to use works very well. :)
" If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
Yesterday When I was Young.