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Fatal error???

Started by elpvn, October 30, 2007, 09:40:43 AM

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When I tried to load ....index.php?action=tpadmin;sa=settings then it's show cannot display (in IE) or in Opera:

QuoteFatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1966080 bytes) in /home/cgezine/public_html/Sources/TPortalAdmin.php on line 1168

Hic, How to fix that error? Please ...  :o

P/S: I still can see my article or forum thread but can't add new article or thread ..!!! , it's get a same error  >:(

my site:


It's not a bug, it's a server host issue, they have given you to little of ram to use.

You need to contact your host and ask them to change the value for how much ram you can use.
The server your on seem to have only 8mb of ram (for you to use), you need to have a lot more then that.


To be more specific, have your host change the memory_limit to 16MB or more in the php.ini file. You're machine probably has enough RAM, just not enough memory for PHP to work with.

bloc you have many large articles already added?


Quote from: Bloc on October 30, 2007, 01:48:19 PM you have many large articles already added?

Hic, maybe  :o
I just added about 50 articles, is it too much?  :o


no, but the TPadmin section loads too much info on each article when fetching all of them..that can be using too much resources,  will fix this in the next alpha.


Thank for support, Bloc !  ;)