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[bugtracker] Editor problems or database stroage changes

Started by bigb, February 23, 2009, 11:49:11 PM

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I've noticed a difference in the way articles are being saved within the database.  In earlier versions of TP my test article was save like this:

[code]<p><strong><font size="6">This is a basic test article 1</font></strong><br />
<p><strong><font color="#FF0000" size="4">This is a basic test article - - This is a basic test article - -</font></strong> The story about the 2004 STAR winning kingfish and the 2004 Deep Sea Roundup winning kingfish is not all that much different from countless other tall tales about big fish, except for <br />

Now in TP version 1. 0 beta 3 the same article after it is re-saved looks like this:

&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;font size=&quot;6&quot;&gt;This is a basic test article 1&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;font color=&quot;#FF0000&quot; size=&quot;4&quot;&gt;This is a basic test article - - This is a basic test article - -&lt;/font&gt;&lt;/strong&gt; The story about the 2004 STAR winning kingfish and the 2004 Deep Sea Roundup winning kingfish is not all that much different from countless other tall tales about big fish, except for &lt;br /&gt;

I'm not sure which one is supposed to be correct.  This change happens with or without the use of the WYSIWYG editor.
I've also found that if your using the WYSIWYG editor and you view the HTML code using the <> and you do this more than two or three times the code changes in things get lost.
SMF version: SMF ver. 1.1.8
TP version: TP ver. 1.0 beta 3

Mod Name Version 

Anti-Spam Verification Questions 1.02 
SMF Gallery Lite 1.9.4   
Googlebot & Spiders Mod 2.0.4   
SMF 1.0.16 / 1.1.8 Update 1.0   
Users Online Today Mod 1.4.0   
TinyPortal 1.075   

Also happens on my test site with No mods installed except TP 1 beta 3



- Editor was cleaning up inline styles and tag attributes. Fixed.
- HTML code was not converted back from entities.Fixed.

The trouble was the editor being a little too happy to clean up the code, where its not needed.

As for articles saved, it should be on regular tag form, not entities.