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Auto apply new members to groups on registration

Started by sammie99, November 17, 2006, 03:51:33 PM

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I have 2 main groups on my site,
is there anyway to have the registration of new members assigned to the gender group when they join, it is a pain in the butt having to do this everytime someone joins the site.

i also have three age groups
but my main need would be the gender groups as i have gender specific forums and articles

thanx if anyone could help with this.

sammie xXx


SMF 2.0 RC3
TP 1.0 beta 5-1
Wordpress 3.0


i have that installed, the problem is it does not assign them to groups, thats the part i need.


Yes, you can do with this SMF. SMF provides the membergroups and permissions and whatnot and TP is built around that, so it'd be done with SMF, not TP.

Try this one:
Membergroup On Registration

But, for more, you should browse / search through the SMF site yourself, first.


that one is not going to be any use, i have gender specific forums, so i dont want a guy going back to pick the female group and switch back when he has read the girls forums,

when they register they have to fill in a gender, when they hit send, i want the script to see what gender was entered and then assign them to the gender group.

so they have no control over it, and i dont have to add them all myself.


At any rate, have you tried to find the answer at SMF, asked in the community forum?


i have just asked over there, i did look at the ones i could find, and the ones others told me about, but they are far from perfect, i need to assign people to a gender group so they get access to gender related content, the girls have there own private forum to talk about female issues, without worrying about guys reading it.
so if it could be set on registration by the gender they enter, it takes away the time i waste doing it with everyone, and also stops people switching gender groups just to spy on the other group,

i think if this could be an automated part of the registration, it would be great for lots of people.


The only solution is manual assignment if you want top privacy as you state the member could go and change it.

otherwise no matter what mod it is the member could always go back and register another account as a female and get access - and take my word for it - IP's dont always say a lot about the member - on my forum i have 15 members with the same IP cos they are in the same college campus.

So if you really need to monitor the people - only way is to set them manually

and at the end of the day - u cant prevent the 'determined' privacy invader from ur forum - even banned members can still get in from simply by changing my ip via a proxy lol

So there is:
- No fool proof prevention
- No assurance at all the people who say they are male are actualy that or vice versa


yea i know that, but i have worked online as a global admin for a huge student site with 800,000 members for 3 years, so i know how to spot guys acting like girls, it is just a few, and you can use a proxy but it has to resolve to an Isp if it just points to a website like most do, then i dont allow them to join the site anyway, what counts is that it is set to private space for the girls,

i have no problem banning people that abuse my site, and i have even less of a problem reporting to the police anyone that abuses any of my sites younger members.

at the moment i do it by hand, but i have to sleep 8 hours and someone could be waiting that long to get access to the group, and i would sooner have it an automated service.


just get a copuple of global mods and assign them the membergroup permissions using the mod for that on SMF I think its by eldaka

and then ull be set

remember always delegate responsibility or ull go nuts lol