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Invisible left-right blocks when gloabal moderator

Started by morskisrle, November 11, 2007, 04:54:32 PM

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I just noticed that if i set a user to be a Global Moderator in the primary membergroup, he can't see the left-right blocks on the Front page. Also one board (just a regular board) wasn't visible to him.

When i set the same use to a Global Moderator, but in the Additional membergroup (the drop down option), than it's all ok but then the user hasn't it's own colour and it's not shown as a Global Moderator but only as a newbie etc...

Whn i set a user to a Administrator in the Primary membergroup than it;s all ok. So it seems that there is only a problem when i set someone as Global Moderator in the Primary Membergroup.


They dont have the permission to see that block(s)
Make sure in Admin > Block manager > <your block> > edit they have there member group ticked


Aha..That was the problem...Thought it would show them automalically to everyone.
The board stuff is also fixed. It was set only for admins and regular members on default while i thought it was also set for the moderators, globalmoderators (as they are default membergroups)

Thanks for the hint