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[bugtracker] Show Last 50 Shouts in ADV Shoutbox

Started by zarprime, September 18, 2008, 05:23:30 PM

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Actually for SMF version 1.1.6 and TP version 1.0.5 beta

This bug posted at the request of StormLrdâ,,¢.

Similar to bug #291 shown at the following url ...,bugtracker/index.php?action=bugtracker;sa=bug291
However, not the same behavior.

I just upgraded to SMF 1.1.6 and TP 1.0.5 beta a couple of weeks ago, and then enabled the advanced shoutbox.  When clicking "Show Last 50" next page shows only the first 8 lines of that page.  My forum is at ...

Link to the "Show Last 50" page is ...,tpmod/advshout,show50.html

Adv Shoutbox is about halfway down in the left panel (viewable by guest).

Adv Shoutbox is used on TinyPortal Media as well and works the way mine should.  However the link on Tinyportal Media after the index.php is --->index.php?action=tpmod;advshout=show150 and the link on my forum after the index.php is different --->index.php/action,tpmod/advshout,show50.html

Note that the link on mine ends in .html

This may be a clue as to why mine is not working correctly.


BTW, just a quick update on this.  Maybe it will help.

Everytime I go to my Forum I get the following error ...
2: strstr() [<a href='function.strstr'>function.strstr</a>]: Empty delimiter.
File: /home/talesoft/public_html/SMF-1/tp-files/tp-modules/TPAdvShout/Sources/TPAdvShout.php
Line: 3639

Hope this helps.



Hello there. I don't know if it's useful or not posting here, but I realized that the error logs on my forum show this:

Quote8: Undefined index: value9
File: /membri/myownpage/tp-files/tp-modules/TPAdvShout/Sources/TPAdvShout.php
Linea: 3875
2: strstr() [<a href='function.strstr'>function.strstr</a>]: Empty delimiter.
File: /membri/myownpage/tp-files/tp-modules/TPAdvShout/Sources/TPAdvShout.php
Linea: 3639

Version smf forum: 1.1.8 TP version: 1.0.5 beta 1.


The errors from this shoutbox version will be iggnored as we dont support that version of Shoutbox anylonger.
Storm that developed this shoutbox havent been able to continue worling on it, and therefor we have decided to remove it from beta3 compleatly.

However, the TP Simple shoutbox have most options except the layout so we ask you to install that version instead and drop the adv shoutbox.


Thank you G6. I'll try to install TP simple shoutbox and drop the other one. :)