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Missing articles after upgrading

Started by Bec, March 03, 2009, 02:56:04 PM

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Hi Everyone,

I just upgraded to TP v1.0 beta3 from 0.983 (smf 1.1.8), just went in to check everything out and noticed that about half of my articles are gone.

I'm sorry if this has already been answered but am I missing something? Please tell me they are still somewhere.....

Thanks in advance!  :)


They shouldn't have been touched. Did you look in the database to see if they are still there? By "gone", do you mean they aren't displaying on the frontpage? Or they aren't showing up in Admin? Or they aren't showing up in a category? Please explain in DETAIL so we have a better understanding of what you're talking about.


Articles do now need to be assigned to Categories before they will display. Try checking that first.



Under Tinyportal/Articles and Categories in the admin panel, where the articles are listed it is only showing about half of them they are simply not showing.

I normally have these linked up to my website's top menu bar, when i click on the menu/link for the article it comes up with "The article isn't active, hasn't been approved yet, or simply does not exist".

This might have caused something I'm not sure just been reading other posts about similar problems, but when I was using 0.983, i did not have my articles assigned to any category...

Searched my database and they are still listed in there. What would be the next step to get them to show up under admin?

Thanks for your help, i appreciate it!



Try this first ...

While in Admin --> TintyPortal --> Articles and Categories, try doing a hard refresh of that page (ctrl-F5) and see if the "Single Articles with no category" shows up.

If this doesn't work to show them, go into your database and browse smf_tp_articles and look for the articles that have a zero for "category".  Edit those fields to change the zero to an existing category and go back and check to see if they have shown up.

As Zetan said, articles now have to be assigned to a category to show up.

Let us know if this makes the articles show up as this may be a bug that needs to be addressed.




Works a charm, thank you so very much!!  Appreciate you helping A LOT!!

Ok... the hard refresh did not work, went into my database and had to change the category to 0 and they are now showing up.

Thank you!!!!  ;)


Quote from: Bec on March 03, 2009, 04:19:40 PM

Works a charm, thank you so very much!!  Appreciate you helping A LOT!!

Ok... the hard refresh did not work, went into my database and had to change the category to 0 and they are now showing up.

Thank you!!!!  ;)


I'm glad you got it sorted  :up: and we've solved the problem but I need to understand what you did.

Are you saying that you "had to change the category to 0" or that you had to change the categories that had 0 to an existing category number?  I want to be sure I understand this if I'm going to put this in as a possible bug.



No worries, I had to change all the categories to 0. I'm guessing this is because I never had my articles setup in categories when I was using 0.983 prior to upgrading to v1.0 beta3.

The ones that were NOT showing up had a number for the category (for example 9999, 124, 22) whilst the ones that were showing up had 0 in the category.

I changed the numbered ones to 0, they then appeared in Admin --> TinyPortal --> Articles and Categories.

Hope that's clear enough!

Thanks again!!



I know it's early in the morning where you are and you are probably tired, but please bear with me for just a couple more questions, and then I'll let you go.  You only need to tell me yes or no for each answer. :)

1.  The articles that showed up after you upgraded from TP 0.98 to beta 3 were NOT in categories before you did the upgrade, correct?

2.  The articles that were in a category DID NOT show up, correct?

3.  In the database, you changed all the category ID#'s to zero, and all articles showed up, correct?

And finally, one more question ...

4.  After you changed all the category ID's to zero, did all the articles show up as being uncategorized (not in a category)?

These answers should give me all the info I need to make a decision as to whether to post this as a bug or not.



Hey no worries, glad to help out!

1.  The articles that showed up after you upgraded from TP 0.98 to beta 3 were NOT in categories before you did the upgrade, correct? YES

2.  The articles that were in a category DID NOT show up, correct? I DIDN'T HAVE ANY CATEGORIES SETUP SO N/A

3.  In the database, you changed all the category ID#'s to zero, and all articles showed up, correct? YES

4.  After you changed all the category ID's to zero, did all the articles show up as being uncategorized (not in a category)? YES THAT'S CORRECT

I'm no expert but I don't think I would consider it to be a bug, just something everyone needs to be aware of when upgrading... but you guys are the experts!

Just about to head off, Ill be back later if you have any more questions!  ;D

Thanks again for your help!!