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flash advice- will pay for help

Started by Sforzando, September 28, 2006, 04:23:29 AM

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    I'm decent at html and right now I'm taking a course on java, but I know almost nothing about flash. But I'd really, really like to put my site into flash. I am trying to read up on flash my own, but it'll be months before I know enough to even attempt to convert my html site into flash. I'm at university, so I only have the weekends to devote to my site.
      So, do you think you could suggest someone who would be willing to help? I don't really want to change the design of my site- I'm not looking for a total overhaul. I'd just like to put it in flash instead of html.
     If you could advise me, I'd really, really appreciate it. I'd pay about $100 if someone would be willing to help me convert my site to flash.


100% flash?

Thats not such a good idea really...experts agree on one thing and that is: The best way to use flash is with HTML and PHP

Best asking down at:


Keep in mind a few points:

- Flash with graphics means slower page loads

but anyways thats ur choice
but that was my


Thanks for your reply.
In combination? I'm kind of thinking about sites like or, since I'm running the site of a musician and so I'm looking at the professional sites of well-known musicians as the ideal. And looking at them, yeah, I guess flash is in combination with html....but either way, I'm not knowledgeable at the technique.
   If anybody could help, I'd really appreciate it.


Can i recommend this book

Friends of Ed - Foundation of FlashMX 2004

I learned alot from it.. even thou i think flash is bad for a whole site  ;)

akulion and i had a look are in part html and part flash

using flash elements on your page to enhance appearance and usability is a good idea

but just for the sake of effects putting everything in flash is pretty bad

the 2 sites i listed for u above are 2 of the best flash support forums and sites i have come across - be sure to check them out has loads of tutorials too and has loads of resources


Thanks, I'll check it out.
The reason I'm so interested in flash is mainly that in flash, you don't have to worry about screen res. My pages have images as the background, and the problem with html is you have to choose between a tiled pattern background or a solid color background- in order to have a single image as the background in html, you have to put the image in a table. I then layered all my content over the table.
The problem is, even if I tell the table to take up 100% of the screen width, it doesn't fill up the height. And the image gets distorted when you try to fill the screen. So I had to define everything for 1024 by 768, and use an image of that size. That means there are ugly blank spaces for viewers with screen res larger than 1024 by 768.
  The problem gets worse, because the next thing I decided to do was slice the background image into pieces. I then removed a large slice. And then I used that space as an internal frame with a scrollbar, and put my content in it. So now, instead of having all my content layered on a 1024 by 768 background image, I have all my content as an internal frame that takes up a piece of that 1024 by 768 background image.
   Either way, there are awful blank spaces for ppl with screens bigger than 1024 by 768. So html is really limited when it comes to background. But with flash, everything automatically fits the screen and you don't have to worry about screen res. And that's the main reason I'd like to go flash.
      But, if anybody can think of a way I can solve my problem without going flash, I'd really appreciate it.


How does flash fix screen resolution? Flash files are limited by size also? I think one thing you may want to look into is adding a different style sheet for each resolution, and then use some Javascript to detect a persons resolution. Just googled for you and here's a sample of how it works.

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
if ((screen.width>=1024) && (screen.height>=768))


oh, wow! That's really brilliant!
I will definitely try that! Thanks so very much!