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SHOUTBOX: Color of Name for poster?

Started by treksf, April 21, 2007, 07:50:58 PM

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Hi.  I'm running SMF 1.1.2 and TP 0.98.  I'm using Bloc's Helios Theme and have Shoutbox running.  One problem, only myself (the admin) and forum moderator's names show as different colors in the Shoutbox.  Others members have different colors assigned to their groups and they show properly in the rest of the forum - just not in the Shoutbox.  Any ideas?  Something in my theme I have to manually edit??

Site is here:


Does it happen in a different theme? Are the membergroups set as their Primary or secondary member group?


Happens in SMF Default theme too.  I don't know what Primary and Secondary Member groups are.  I have two sets of Member Groups - Regular (admins, moderators - these the Shoutbox colors work) and I have Post Count based groups for everyone else.  The colors work fine for users online, etc. for the Post Count groups. 
Is that the difference? 

Not sure how to change that.  I thought everyone but admins and mods were post count based groups.


You have a bit to learn about the permissions, but that will come with time. :) You can disable post based group permissions. I don't think TP uses post based groups, so you should test it by creating another group and assigning some people to that group. If you add a person in a group, you can add them so that it is either their primary or secondary group. The reason why this happens.... an example would be lets say Bloc wanted to add me as an admin to this site but didn't want anyone to know that I was an admin. He could add me as a secondary group to be admin and keep my primary group the same. Only primary group info is shown on the forum, so no one would know that I'm an admin. You set someones primary or secondary group in their profile settings. Anywho, give that a test and see if it works. Don't forget to make a new color for the new member group you create.


Hmm, I do like the Post Count deciding on who is in what group.  Is there a way to still use that in the Primary Groups?  Or would I just have to manually add people based on their Post Counts?  Would it confuse SMF/TP if I use the same name for the groups I add based on the Post Counts?


Well, in playing with this some more it seems if I make any member group determined by Post Count it automatically puts the group in that second list.  Weird.  I don't want to have to manually assign people to groups at this point.  Anyway to do this easy, with the colors and all without doing it by hand for each member??


Not with TP because it doesn't use the post group permission system. Only the membergroup. Sorry.


Well - that's unfortunate.  I really like TP.  It's weird though, the color for members works fine in the Users online, etc.  Just not in Shoutbox.  But I guess that's because Shoutbox is part of TP.  So the only way for the right colors to show there would be to create other groups for all the members and place them there.