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TP 1.0.3 - Blocks / Scroll Bar Horizontal

Started by tragidy, February 20, 2009, 09:21:34 PM

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I was just testing out the latest revision of TP 1.0.3 Beta and it seems to work great and im happy to see the old FCKeditor replaced/moved :)

However for the first time ever I'm having display issues with blocks that are slightly oversized.

For example in all previous versions the php-resized or allowed and overlay of the block.

Now in 1.0.3B instead of ( adjusting / frambreaking / overlaying ) TP renders the output with a scrollbox on the block.

Sometimes an image is worth thousands of words so here is a small screen shot.

Note the scroll bar

I don't know if this would be considered a bug or not, but is there anyway to revert the output back to the old type from previous versions?

Also I miss the plain old " Script Block "

Thanks for any tips on this one!

Added image of default theme


How does it look in Default Core theme ?  Same issue there ?


Hi G6,

I'll test it out, however the current theme was written for TP 1.0.X


What browser are you using?

I have noticed this too, but for me it only happens in Opera. I thought it was something to do with that particular browser!


Well, we can only give so much support we know of, there for we have to ask how it looks in default theme as thats the theme TP is made for and installes to.

Any custon theme thats not made by Bloc or Crip that have issues, we usually have to send you to the ones that made the themes to sort out the issues if it's only in the custom theme.

As it's a custom theme, we cant say whats wrong or why as we dont have the code for it to look at.


The issue persist in the default theme.

I use Firefox 3.0.6
Same issue occurs in Internet Explorer 7 & 8

Image below



The problem lies in the actual code. you need to be sure the content doesn't overflow. If the content doesn't fit, increase the panel width.

All blocks now have overflow: auto; - to not break out of the panel, this was an error on earlier versions of TP.


Quote from: Bloc on February 20, 2009, 10:07:37 PM
The problem lies in the actual code. you need to be sure the content doesn't overflow. If the content doesn't fit, increase the panel width.

All blocks now have overflow: auto; - to not break out of the panel, this was an error on earlier versions of TP.


Where in the TPortal may the overflow be reverted to the old type?


Look in TPBlockLayout.template.php and find this code:

if (function_exists($func))
// figure out the height
$nh = ((substr($context['TPortal']['blockheight_'.$side],0,strlen($context['TPortal']['blockheight_'.$side])-2)*2) + 43).'px';
$nh= (substr($context['TPortal']['blockheight_'.$side],0,strlen($context['TPortal']['blockheight_'.$side])-1)*2).'%';
echo '<div style="overflow: auto;' , !empty($context['TPortal']['blockheight_'.$side]) ? 'height: '. ($double ? $nh : $context['TPortal']['blockheight_'.$side]) .';' : '' , '">';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div style="overflow: auto;' , !empty($context['TPortal']['blockheight_'.$side]) ? 'height: '.$context['TPortal']['blockheight_'.$side].';' : '' , '">' , doUBBC($block['body']) , '</div>';

Change the 2 spots where overflow: auto is set, to your preferred state.