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[bugtracker] No BBC when Frontpage set to news from Froum

Started by IchBinâ„¢, September 21, 2009, 05:56:30 PM

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BBC code does not get parsed when frontpage is set to
display news from forum. I searched a bit through the code
and found that the board news is coming from
TPBoardNews() in the TPmodules.php file. According to the
function it is supposed to parse BBC code?

$row['body'] = parse_bbc($row['body'],

You can refer to this topic if needed for any additional info.,30920.0.html


I cannot reproduce this error.

But yes, its supposed to parse BBC code, it uses one of SMF internal functions for it.


hmm... doesn't seem to happen on TPbeta5, but it does happen on my beta4 install. I guess it's a non-issue if it works in the latest version. :) I'll close this if I can.