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Problems ?? with Menu Manager (or it's just me)

Started by GhostRider2110, July 04, 2024, 02:01:13 PM

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I'm trying to setup a new internal menu item of type Category have the Item (category) selected as seen in screen shot.  Click save, no error, but no new internal menu item.  Am I using it wrong.  I can only get one to show up if the Type is Menu Button.  What am I missing?  Does only "Menu Button" show up on the menu? 

Mitchell Baker


Yep, that's how it works. The other option are intended to use in a menu that you include in a menu block

Checkout the docs site for the details
Running Latest TP on SMF2.1 at:


For SMF main menu modifications, I found the Ultimate Menu mod to be pretty useful. I did encounter some issues when trying to use Ultimate Menu and the TP internal menu function together so ended up using Ultimate Menu for all main menu additions. 


The internal menu function of TP is quite basic: you can add a few main buttons, but no subs.

If you want to really change the menu a full menu mod is recommended.
Running Latest TP on SMF2.1 at:


Ok thanks, I had gone thru the docs but was not really clear on that. But after playing around with it that's what I thought. 

I'll try that mod and see.. 

Mitchell Baker